Our Story

In early 2020 my business partner, Tina Nail and I were working together in a local school system, providing physical and occupational therapy for their students. We kept hearing stories about how families would love to continue services for their children outside of school, but the hour-long drive, and gas expense to the nearest outpatient clinic always seemed to get in the way. Families would get accepted into a clinic, attempt the weekly trips, but would inevitably start missing appointments, and eventually stop going altogether. Tina and I saw the huge need in our community and during a spur of the moment conversation decided no one was more qualifiedor invested in the success of kids in our communities as ourselves.

So, I said, "Let's open a clinic," and Tina responded without hesitation, "Okay!" We had no idea then how much our world was about to change. 

2020 was the start of remarkable challenge and change for everyone and many times I thought we had completely lost our minds trying to start a new business in the pandemic environment. Nevertheless, we kept taking steps toward finding a location and jumping through all the credentialing hoops. Tina and I both felt strongly God had inspired the idea for the clinic and everything would work out as it should. In fact, our name WonderFully Made Therapy Group, is based on Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." Tina and I both have a heart for children and believe each one is wonderfully made, exactly as they should be, we're just here to help them reach their fullest. level of independence and potential. Soon after we started searching for a building, a property became available, we quickly purchased it and began EXTENSIVE renovations. The building had sat empty for several years and needed everything. We poured ourselves into making it the best clinic it could be. In a few short months we were open for business!

To be completely honest, I was hoping to have a solid group of 20-25 kids to cover our overhead and pay ourselves a small salary. So, you can imagine my surprise when we quickly exceeded 25 kids and grew to a caseload that was straining our building capacity! Within three months of opening, we began looking for a larger space. As always, God knew what we needed before we did, and another building became available to us! Again, we dove headfirst into a complete remodel of the 115-year-old former pharmacy and hardware store. We're proud to be the newest stewards of a building with so much history and honored to fill it daily with fun families and lively kids. Our unique building and clinic design has won awards for best interior design and been nominated for an award from the state of Oklahoma for best adaptive reuse of a historic building.

What started as a spark of inspiration between two friends has quickly grown into a successful business that meets a vital need in our community. Since opening, our staff has continued to grow, we have also branched out to provide therapy services in multiple school districts. We currently employ 13 therapists providing physical, occupational, and speech therapy to nearly 200 kids weekly in our clinic alone, and upwards of 400 children across multiple school districts! We are excited to see what God has in store for us and always looking for ways to offer more resources and services to the families we serve.

Andy Goodnight, OTA-L
Co-Owner, Wonderfully Made Therapy Group

Mission Statement

At Wonderfully Made Therapy Group, our mission is to empower and celebrate every child's unique abilities, recognizing that each child is wonderfully made. We specialize in pediatric occupational, physical, and speech therapy, dedicated to fostering independence and enhancing life skills and school readiness. By working collaboratively with families and physicians, we provide patient-centered therapeutic approaches that support the holistic development of each child. Our compassionate team is committed to creating a nurturing environment where every child can thrive and reach their fullest potential.

Core Values

1. Every child is unique and wonderfully made, deserving of love, respect, and the opportunity to reach their full potential.
2. Collaboration and open communication with families, caregivers, and healthcare professionals are essential for providing comprehensive and effective therapy services.
3. Client-centered care is at the heart of our practice, tailoring therapeutic approaches to meet the individual needs and goals of each child.
4. We believe in the power of early intervention and proactive approaches to address developmental challenges, maximizing the benefits of therapy.
5. We embrace a holistic view of child development, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being.
6. Continuous professional growth and staying at the forefront of research and best practices enable us to deliver the highest quality therapy services.
7. We are committed to creating a nurturing, inclusive, and supportive environment where children and their families feel empowered, safe, and valued.
8. Advocacy for the rights and needs of children with diverse abilities is an integral part of our mission, promoting inclusion and accessibility in all aspects of life.
9. We strive to educate and empower families, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to support their child’s progress beyond therapy sessions.
10. Ethical and compassionate care is the foundation of our practice, upholding the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

Vision Statement

"Our vision at Wonderfully Made Therapy Group is to create a world where every child embraces their unique abilities and thrives with unwavering confidence. We envision a future where pediatric therapy transcends limitations, empowering children to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives. Through innovative approaches, compassionate care, and collaborative partnerships, we aspire to set new standards in pediatric therapy, revolutionizing the way we support children's development and well-being. Our vision is to be the catalyst for transformative change, making a lasting positive impact on the lives of children and their families."

The History

The building's earliest known photo is dated1905.

123 Main Street has weathered much life over the past 115 years. One thing is for certain, whether as a pharmacy, a hardware store, finance company, or pediatric therapy clinic, this place has continually served the families, and people of Okmulgee for well over a century.

We are honored to carry on that tradition now, & hope our work will sustain the building over another century of service!